Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The divine spell

Prayer Flags on hillside near Pemayangtse, Sikkim
Prayer Flags on hillside near Pemayangtse, Sikkim

Our family's lived in a global-ish way. Dad met step-mom Sarah in Phnom Penh, Linds and I were born in Bombay, Mom toted us around Turkey as kids, Linds fell hard for Latin America, Dad's still logs miles across Africa, the 'Stans, Mongolia...Sarah too.

That Linds and my worlds were made global by our parents means that, as the news of Linds' passing and Hudson's arrival reaches the far ends of our earth, each day brings waves of remembrances and, with them, a widening circle of love for her.

And you realize: these things are universal. Death too young and new life. Every culture, every age has met these twisted fates and divined both wisdom and ways of telling just as we have our own poems, prayers and sympathies.

Prayer flags from Yumthang

Here's a sampling of what's come in (thanks to Sarah for passing along some of hers as well.)

From Nina in now-calm Kathmandu:
"Lobsang is on his way over to Rinpoche's place to deliver Lindsey's photo. The Phowa (Tibetan Buddhist tradition: the transference or ejection of consciousness into the state of truth and bliss) will last for 2 days, we'll send photos."

From Hope Leezum ("Little Hope") in Sikkim:
"I shall put up prayer flags for Lindsey here in Sikkim."

From Fahimid in Myanmar:
"Send a photo of Hudson. I am sure he has divine spell to keep all around him mesmerized!! God gives this special power to all new born and this is why parents and family around become so happy."

From Jase in Tokyo, a quote:
""Sound, sound the clarion, fill the fife, Throughout the sensual world proclaim, One crowded hour of glorious life, is worth an age without a name." - Thomas Osbert Mordaunt.'"

And so many prayers - going out from Sofia, Melbourne, Columbia, Buenos Aires, Hanoi, Ankara, Portland, Plano, Kabul, Mexico City, Honolulu, Munich, Bombay...

C - imagining Linds is, finally, everywhere

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