Tuesday, May 2, 2006

A considerate man

I had to look hard through my files to find one of dad on his own. As sarah said of him when they first met (and we first were falling for Sarah):
"Your dad keeps his light under the basket."

(she's done a lovely job of lifting that basket, or widening the chinks, or whatever - dad's a-shining).

I'll post a link soon to dad's remarks at Linds' memorial - soon.

But today dad did something that deserves immediate posting.

With his amazing office/friends at JSI (where dad's been for X years; since Linds and I attended a JSI christmas party in Boston and received Born to Run tapes as gifts.) they organized a Lindsey Fun Run/Walk.

It happened today, was closed with a finale of fritos, and raised some fifteen hundred dollars for KIPS and Tietze Park. Which JSI's director doubled and dad matched. Total somewhere around $7,000 in Linds' name, and a slide show shown, and a wonderful poem read.

Pretty neat. Pretty dad. Thank you JSI for being his extended family and our collective support (and all the good work of course).

C - warming up for father's day Posted by Picasa

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