Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I've not been a concientious blogger this week.

R's apartment has, inexplicably, fallen off the wireless grid. R's neighbors are keeping their own networks uneccesarily inaccessible.

So I'm back at Starbucks, where t-mobile's having its own flaky week.

It's not that it's so very hot that everyone's already pulled a Paris-in-August. But it might as well be, and people who look lost on subway platforms, wearing white sneakers and abroad in fanny-packs, are outnumbering the usual city types.

Anyway, as soon as T-Mobile, obliges, will post some very recent Hudson pictures to sustain us through these dog days.

Hudson has a new nanny as of last week. His first nanny showing neither experience nor that stamina needed to properly care for the little man, has already been replaced by a huge improvement of a nanny sho speaks many languages.

From Chad:
"The new nanny is working out great. She's French Italian by birth and speaks spanish, italian and english."

C - toasting the multi-lingual man of 3 months

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