Monday, December 4, 2006

More Hudson

In Hudson's world there are many guests, visiting admirers: Aunt Annie was a recent one:

I just wanted you all to see how well Hudson Brown and his dad Chad are flourishing! We discovered a fifth tooth coming in this weekend, and spent hours crawling on the floor, watching Hudson pull himself up on anything, babble away like he's really saying "Dadda" and finding hours of entertainment just staring at him on the go.

We decorated the house in a feeble attempt to make Hudson's first Christmas as festive as if Linds were here to decorate herself. Hudson can't keep his eyes (and hands) off the shiny and sparkley new tree. We hung the stockings with care, and Tia shed a tear or 10 looking at all of the ornaments from the Stephenson family past...Linds had an ornament from almost every year of her life, in addition to the box of left-overs my mom had given the "Unholy Four" when they lived in Palo Alto. Second to Thanksgiving, Linds was very gung-ho about Christmas, so I hope we were able to accomplish setting the tone for Chad and Hudson's first Christmas without her.
Hudson is a strong, vibrant and joyful baby who is such a joy to be around- he is such a mellow baby, as if he knew that his entry into this world was under such painful circumstances he's just trying to make it easy on everyone. Chad is a doting dad who knows just what Hudson needs at all times.

Annie's Hudson photos

Love to all - C

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