Friday, October 6, 2006

Grandpop's letters

Mom or Linds may be watching this week's proceedings from elsewhere, but here amongst the huggable, I've got family, friends and I've got Grandpop.
Who I called last night with the news of R and my engagement.

Every Friday since we were young, and since through the decades that the family's grown, split and rewoven itself, Grandpop and Grandma have sent a family letter.

For its first 4 decades, the letter was typed missive in a long office-y envelope. (Sometimes Grandma would have re-pasted unmarked stamps on to make postage.) With Grandpop's carats and spelling corrections, Grandma's own typed note at the end hilighting a garden show, a visit, they document the mundane of tennis matches, dinners, as well as the inevitable passages - welcome ones and others not.

My family's timeline captured.

Then, some years back, a cousin (Andrew?) started Grandpop on the computer. Though the computer's now been updated, Grandpop's use of it remains exactly as when he started: he logs on, reads the emails accumulated in his Juno account (spammers be ashamed) and, each Friday morning, he sends the family email.

Like the other cousins, I scan for a mention of my name - to be recorded by grandpop is familial posterity.

Which is a long and rambly way to say: In this morning's email, Rus and I my news came in under the wire.

Here from Grandpop:
Greetings on another gorgeous morning at Sea Island. As many know, Ruslan proposed; Courtney happily accepted; no date yet for wedding. Courtney, thoughtfully, called the good news last night. DELIGHTED. Felicitations to Courtney; confratulations to Ruslan. That will leave Alexander the only unwed grandchild.. That's way ahead. Meanwhile, maybe more great-grandchildren will appear??


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