Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Remembering Linds - from Shady Hill

Childhood friend to Linds and cool lady Kerry Tribe (writer, photographer, recorder), wrote this piece for the Shady Hill School Quarterly.

Linds attended Shady Hill, one of its happiest participants, from 2nd grade (we think - Dad and I are bad at year math) through 8th:
She made little friends who grew into medium sized friends,
went to Turkey and came back to make more friends,
hosted dance parties with J Geils Band and a spider-web game(all of 11, I chaperoned with a friend),
learned ribbon dances for May Day (wearing the letter "I" we don't know why),
got her first bra (Kerry's mention) and boyfriend (unrelated),
became a kid old enough to hang out at Steve's Ice-Cream at Harvard Square,
went from car-pooling to solo MTA travel,
from transferring water cup to cup to dissecting things fetal,
from learning about the Greeks to the Ch'ing Dynasty (Shady Hill international that way)...

Linds had many chapters to her too short life.
Shady Hill was a very happy one and friends from those years more than mere sand-box mates.

With thanks to a truly great school, the people Linds moved amongst and to Kerry Tribe for rounding it all up.

C – shady hiller too

1 comment:

Erin Gates said...

What a beautiful tribute. It brought tears to my eyes yet again, as your blog often does when recounting the undeniably beautiful Lindsey. Such an indescribable loss, yet Kerry's writing captures it well.
Much Love,